Bulk Email Verification

Change Your Settings on Windows for the Right CSV Format

Learn how to set up your Windows to have the right CSV format in Excel

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

Change Your Settings on Windows for the Right CSV Format

The CSV file looks too crowded

When you download your CSV file about the reports of your email verifications, sometimes it looks like all the data is in one single column. It is really difficult to assess your results when your file looks like that. If that is a re-occurring problem, you can change your computer settings and fix the problem permanently. 

Set it up on your Windows

1. Click on the "Start" button at the bottom left corner of your screen and type "Control Panel" in the search box. Click on "Open". 

MillionVerifier -Contol Panel in Windows

2. Here, select "Clock and Region". Then, click on "Region".

Clock and Region in MillionVerifier report setup

Region in Windows for MillionVerifier report setup

3. Then, go to the "Additional settings" at the bottom. 

Additional settings in Windows for MillionVerifier report setup

4. Set the Decimal symbol for "." (full stop) and the List separator for "," (comma). 

Decimal symbol and list separator in Windows for MillionVerifier report setup

After saving the setups, all the files you download will look organized in the Excel table.

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