Bulk Email Verification

File Not Processing - Stopped at 98%

File in progress has stopped at 98%-99%. 

Tamas Ham-Szabo image Written by Tamas Ham-Szabo
Back to articles Tamas Ham-Szabo image Written by Tamas Ham-Szabo

File Not Processing - Stopped at 98%

Certain emails require re-verification. These are called grey-listed emails. To provide accurate results, we must re-verify those emails in a few minutes. 

Wait until the file finishes. This re-verification progress might take up to 45 minutes, even if only one email is left. If you wait until your file finishes, you reduce the number of unknown emails in your file. 

If you don't want to wait, you can stop the file.

Stop the verification

You can stop the verification at any time by clicking on the stop sign in the right top corner of the file.

  • The results for already verified emails will be available in a few seconds.
  • Any unverified emails will be marked as unknown, and credits paid for them will be automatically refunded to your account.
  • If the verification is ready, and there are many Unknown results in the file, the system won't automatically re-verify those emails. You can upload the Unknown emails again manually as an alternative. 

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