Email Verification

Good, Risky and Bad Emails

Which emails can I send emails to following the email verification?

Tamas Ham-Szabo image Written by Tamas Ham-Szabo
Back to articles Tamas Ham-Szabo image Written by Tamas Ham-Szabo

Good, Risky and Bad Emails

You can use Ok emails and, in some cases, Risky emails (Unknown and Catch-all). For email marketing, it is also recommended to filter out role emails. 

Good Emails

Ok means the email address exists, and it is safe to send emails to. MillionVerifier offers a 100% money-back guarantee on Ok emails.  

Risky Emails

You can use risky emails only if:

  • they are real subscribers (not purchased list, nor collected from the internet)
  • they have subscribed recently (less than two months ago)

Risky emails fall into two categories: 

  • Unknown: This means that we couldn't verify the email address at the time of the verification.
  • Catch all: This means the email server is set to accept all mail even if the email account doesn't exist. 

You can try verifying the Unknown emails again later, and you might get the results of them, if the previous problem doesn't occur, and we can verify the email addresses.

Unsure about 'risky' emails?

The best method to confirm their validity is to send them an email directly. MillionVerifier doesn't contact your subscribers during verification. For a more in-depth check, consider using Scrubby. It sends a blank email to the addresses, helping you determine the actual status of these 'risky' emails, even if they were obtained long ago or sourced from the internet. Ensure your email list's accuracy and effectiveness.

Bad Emails

Never use bad emails. Bad emails fall into two categories:

  • Invalid: This means the email account doesn't exist.
  • Disposable: This means the email address is just a temporary email address.

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