
Connect Sendy with MillionVerifier

Learn how to connect your Sendy account with MillionVerifier step by step

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

Connect Sendy with MillionVerifier

How to install Sendy 

To be able to use the Sendy integration with MillionVerifier, you will have to download our MillionVerifier extension to the server. 

To find the extension, please click here. You can download the extension by clicking on "Code" on the right, and choosing the "Download ZIP" option. 

Sendy MillionVerifier extension download ZIP

Then, please paste the "millionverifier" folder into the source code of Sendy. In your Sendy file, please select the "api" folder and paste the millionverifier folder there. 

Sendy paste the MillionVerifier extension in API folder

Sendy install MillionVerifier extension

When you install the MillionVerifier extension, you will be able to use the integration. 

How can you integrate Sendy with MillionVerifier?

You first have to select Email Verification in the MillionVerifier application’s menu and find the Integration option, or you can click here so we can directly lead you there.


If you cannot find Sendy on the list, click on “Show more" to see all the tools. 

Sendy show more on MillionVerifier list

To generate the integration, click on "Connect" under Sendy. 

Sendy connect integration to MillionVerifier list

A pop-up will ask for your Sendy API Key and the Sendy URL from where you can reach your software. To find your key, you have to log in to your Sendy account, go to your profile at the top right corner of the page and choose the "Settings" option. 

Sendy settings for API Key for MillionVerifier integration

You will find your API Key on the left side of the Settings page. 

Sendy copy API Key for MillionVerifier integration

  • Please copy the key and paste it into the MillionVerifier application's pop-up. 
  • The Sendy URL is unique for every user. Please note that you only have to type the base URL in the box. 
  • You can also add any comment you would like to the API Key. 

Sendy connect to MillionVerifier with API Key and URL

To learn how you can import your emails from Sendy to MillionVerifier, please click here

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