Payments & Credits

Manage Your Saved Card

Learn how you can save a card and what you can with it

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

Manage Your Saved Card

How to save a card

You have two options for saving a card for payment: 

  • On the Checkout page: Whenever you make a payment in MillionVerifier. the last step of your purchase is filling out the details of the card you want to pay with. If you would like to save the card, tick the "Save card for future payments" option after providing the necessary information about the card. 

how to save a card in MillionVerifier

Once you click on the "Pay" button, your card will be saved.

  • On the "Saved Cards" page: 

1. To find your Saved Cards, go to your profile at the top right corner of the page, and choose the "Billing" option. 

Billing in MillionVerifier for save cards

2. Then, select the "Saved Cards" option on the menu bar. Here, you can add a new bank card by clicking on the "+" icon. 

Add new saved card in MillionVerifier

3. Enter the necessary card details and click on "Save bank card". 

Save details of saved card in MillionVerifier

Saved cards in MillionVerifier

Now, you have your card saved. You add as many cards to your Saved Cards list as you would like. 

For what can you use your saved card?

  • You can use your saved card for the Auto Top-up service. To learn more about Auto Top-up, please click here. To set up your saved card, go to the Auto Top-up site, and choose the saved card at the bottom. 

Saved card for Auto Tp-up service in MillionVerifier

  • You can use your saved card for our EverClean service. To learn more about EverClean, please click here
  • You can also use the saved card whenever you purchase credits and can select your saved and the Checkout page. This way, you don't have to enter the details of your card over and over again. 

Saved card on Checkout page in MillionVerifier

Deleting your saved card

To delete your card, go to the Saved Card section in your Billing. Here, click on the delete icon at the top right corner of the card. 

Deleting your saved card in MillionVerifier

Please note that in case the card is in use, for example, for an EverClean service or an Auto Top-up service, you won't be able to delete the card until you disable the service or choose another card for those services in action. 

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