Email Verification

6 Options to Verify Emails

How can I verify emails on MillionVerifier?

Tamas Ham-Szabo image Written by Tamas Ham-Szabo
Back to articles Tamas Ham-Szabo image Written by Tamas Ham-Szabo

6 Options to Verify Emails

On MillionVerifier, you have six different options to verify your email addresses:

1. Upload your emails in a file.

File upload in MillionVerifier

2. Copy-paste your email lists.

3. Verify a single email.

4. Integrate with one of our integrations.

5. Using our API. You can find our API URL here if you need it. Go to the Email Verification menu point, and choose the API option, and there you will see the API URL. 

6. Automated email list cleaning.

Upload emails in a file

You can upload your emails in TXT, CSV, XLS, or XLSX files for email verification, including additional data. Upload the files on this page: file upload

Help: Upload Emails for Verification

Copy-paste your email lists

You can copy-paste a list of emails into our application to convert it into a CSV file and verify it for you. Copy-paste your emails on this page: email list

Help: Paste your Email List for Verification

Verify a single email

You can verify a single email on this page: a single email

Help: Single Email Verification

Integrate with one of our integrations

We have created integrations with several popular email marketing platforms.

  • You may connect our application to your email marketing platform.
  • Import your emails for verification.
  • Select what you want to remove or unsubscribe.
  • We remove/unsubscribe them for you in the background.

You can set up the integration and start the verification on this page: integrations.

Help: Integrations. You can find help with all the email marketing tools you can connect to MillionVerifier on how to connect them, how to import emails from them, how to delete the integrations, and how to activate EverClean with them. 

Using our API

You can integrate MillionVerifer with any application with our APIs.

  • Verify emails in real-time using the single API.
  • Send us files programmatically using the bulk API.

You can find more information about our API on this page: API

API documentation: API documentation for developers

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